£297.00 GBP

Every month

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

These are short, to the point and very important. Please read;

  1. Metamorphosis Package - You will benefit from unlimited Coaching support from Phil via your preferred means of contact (email, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, In-App). You will receive Personal Training sessions on a weekly basis. These sessions are one hour and will take place at Phil's premises (Caterham, CR3 5AT) or a location within a 5 mile radius.
  2. Coaching Duration - There is no pre-determined duration as this depends on your specific needs. Most individuals get their best results in 9-12 months, during which time you can expect to develop a range of habits that will help you live a healthier lifestyle during and beyond.
  3. Precision Nutrition App -You will have exclusive access to the Precision Nutrition "PN Coaching" App throughout.
  4. Payments - Regular payments of £297 will be taken monthly on the same date as your initial payment.
  5. Cancellations - A 30 day cancellation policy will be enforced. You may cancel by written notice at any time, from which point only one further payment will be taken and you will have continued access to the program and support from your Coach for 30 days from your cancellation. After this period, your access to the program will be revoked and your payments stopped.
  6. Refunds - There are no refunds available except within the first 30 days, whereby if you are unhappy with the service you have received and cancel during this period, the first payment will be refunded in full.

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Coaching (Metamorphosis)

Along with this service comes Phil's Unique Guarantee;

  • A judgement-free environment with a supportive Coach who will guide you every step of the way with unwavering support and belief.
  • A step-by-step process that breaks the journey down into simple, achievable actions.
  • A consistency of healthy nutrition and lifestyle habits to break the pattern of constantly worrying about your weight.
  • A program that only requires a few minutes of your time each day to keep you on track, leaving you more time for everything else.
  • Results that you can easily maintain on your own afterwards with no fear of falling back into old habits.